Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ruby Tuesday, who could hang a name on you?

Aaaahhhhh the trails, how do I love thee, let me count the ways. What a most perfect evening to run the trails and because I was so excited I took the dogs out when I got home put my old pair of Salomons on that I bought when I was rather drunk one fine Saturday & took them for a 2k run through the Carson & Anne woods.

Then I dropped Chelsea off as she had plans for the evening & headed to the Simcoe Admin Buildings.

The "black" flies where out in force & it was chilly. I thought I had under dressed with just a short sleeve tech on. However; as we progressed into the run, I thought perhaps I was far too OVER dressed. Holy Hannah I was dripping in sweat.

I had anticipated that I would be the sweeper at the back, I was pleasantly surprised when i wasn't, I was the scout between Sandra & the backpackers. I kept Sandra in sight while keeping the gals behind me in my line of vision as well so no one got lost. The front of the herd was wonderful - they'd stop and wait for us to catch up before we diveated from the trail onto a new one.

There were a multitude of cyclists in the woods as well which made for a reprieve on occasion from running. phew.
We did the roller coaster & I thought I would have to walk up the hill, but I managed with little difficulty ( other than gravity) to scale the roller coaster WITH NO UNDUE PAIN TO MY CALF. Ohh that was exciting.

In fact there was little calf discomfort there was more discomfort from the region of my ITB. Now I'm not certain if that's the issue of it's exactly where Angel knocked into me doing about 50 miles an hour. She knocked into Kees on Monday, in the head, then rictoched off him into me. My goodness that hurt. It still does. However; I think I'll put a call out for a foam roller at any rate - just in case.

We got back to cars with 8.5 km under our belt in about 1:05 so not too bad for a relaxed jaunt in the woods with friends.

I did come to some conclusion that when I'm running I need to relax my upper body and that might also help with the asthma issues. It's hard to breath when you are tense around the chest area, so I was trying to implement some relaxation as I was running the last couple k's. I became aware of this as I took a drink of water. It felt like it was stuck near my sternum. So it would make sense if I'm having some difficulty letting liquids flow uninhibited, perhaps I'm causing some of my breathing issues as well.

Hmmm..... something to ponder through out my day.

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