Sunday, April 24, 2011

On the Road again

I managed to get out and do a nice 6-ish K run this morning with Trish. I could feel the epicentre of pain start, but it didn't radiate out or increase what so ever. I was conscience to make sure I work my tightest pair of compression socks & keep the running to a manageable pace and took walk breaks when Trish did. We detoured off Blake street onto the trail right at Johnson so that we didn't have to climb the hill there, which was tickety boo a-okay with me. And then at the end of the trail we ran back onto Blake & back to the store.

It was a grand & glorious day for a run, that's for sure & it was a wonderful day for my last run on Sundays for a while.
I've been networking to find a p/t job just to help cover some costs, it's not easy on one income to keep a household running. So with any luck I'll be hard at it next weekend & that'll mean running will have to take a back seat for now. Or more than likely on days other than my usual Wed & Sun runs.

You can't do everything & right now I've weighed my options and decided that running, as much as I love it, will have to be secondary for a while. I mean that's not to say I can't get out on other days for now. I am running pretty much on my own anyway, so starting from my place to where ever shouldn't matter.

Theo & I will be moving out of the gym onto the road for speed work in the next few weeks, if my leg holds out. We'll see what Dr M says this week.

Plus I have another job with a friend in the works, so much of my "free" time will be used up working.

It was really hard to say anything to anyone about it. And here I am posting it on the 'net. But having only two followers, I think it's okay. *waves to the girls*

This just means I have to better manage the time that I have and make the most of my running. I think Golf will be exnayed for the Ladies League. I'll have to go to the driving range and whack there. And go evenings midweek to get a few rounds in as I don't want to give that up either.

Man it's going to take some getting use to this. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Ahhh well.

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